

we chose our way of self-destruction

extermination conformable to law

all allowed in the name of god

with a bitter smile in the permitted fall


but the Profit is right, the prosperity grows

and we’re thinking we’re INVINCIBLE

caught in the net of arrogance

with a lot of blood on our hands


is there another way

i’LL be the first who fights

maybe we start again

The fate could be the same

we are the fallen


ignoRAnce has crowned us to kings

we don’t need to see you suffer

hunger is business and we have to earn

if we can pay our bills you can burn


is there another way

i’LL be the first who fights

maybe we start again

The fate could be the same

we are the fallen


bless the weapons and sell them the war

your downfall fills our coffers

break the rules if you want to survive

when another one dies we stay alive


is there another way

i’LL be the first who fights

maybe we start again

The fate could be the same

we are the fallen